Winnipeg Sports Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation

Sports injuries are common and can affect athletes of all levels. At Creating Health we work with clients in both the prevention of sports injury and rehabilitation if a sports injury occurs.

Sports Injury Prevention

Preventing or reducing the seriousness of an injury during sport is possible. Many clients who work with Carrie Cole, Physiotherapist, BMR PT on a regular basis. They don’t just make an appointment and visit after an injury has occurred but rather, work with Carrie to prevent sports injuries from occurring. Carrie helps identify risk factors for injury based on the sports or activities her client participates in, designs personalized exercise, strengthening and stretch programs, and provides education on injury prevention strategies.

The process can include:

  1. Assessment of biomechanics and movement patterns: Carrie will analyze the way an individual moves and identifies any biomechanical or movement pattern issues that may increase their risk of injury. By addressing these issues, she can help to improve movement efficiency, decrease stress on joints and soft tissues, and prevent future injuries.

  2. Customized exercise programs: Carrie often designs custom exercise programs that are specific to an individual's needs, taking into consideration their physical abilities, injury history, and goals. These programs can help to improve strength, flexibility, and balance, all of which can reduce the risk of injury.

  3. Injury prevention education: Carrie helps educate patients on injury prevention strategies, such as proper warm-up and cool-down techniques, proper footwear and equipment, and how to modify activities to reduce the risk of injury, or protect against further injury.

In an ideal world we are always working to prevent or reduce the incidence of a sports injury, but it happens and can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • overuse

  • improper technique, and

  • accidents

Sports Injury Rehabilitation

Sports injury rehab is a key service offered and in some cases Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy, Chiropractic AND Psychological services are recommended and all are available at Creating Health.   

Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Rehab

Carrie Cole, Physiotherapist BMR PT has a huge breadth of experience the area of Physiotherapy to help with sports injury rehabilitation. Some of these areas include:

  1. Pain management: Carrie uses various techniques to help manage pain, including manual therapy, electrical modalities, acupuncture, Graston Technique therapy, and exercise prescription. By reducing pain, she helps her clients begin to move more freely and begin their recovery process. 

  2. Improving mobility and range of motion: Sports injuries can lead to limited mobility and range of motion. Carrie uses exercise and manual therapy techniques to help restore mobility and flexibility to the affected area.

  3. Strengthening muscles: Injuries can lead to muscle weakness, which can make it difficult for athletes to return to their sport. Carrie will create individualized exercise programs to help athletes of all levels strengthen the muscles that are affected by the injury.

  4. Improving balance and coordination: Sports injuries can affect balance and coordination, which can increase the risk of further injury. With Carrie’s background in physical fitness and her expertise as a Physiotherapist she will prescribe exercises and balance training to help athletes regain their balance and coordination.

  5. Preventing future injuries: And we come full circle – Carrie will not only help athletes recover from injuries but also work to prevent future injuries by identifying areas of weakness or imbalances in the body and create a plan to address them before they lead to an injury.

Chiropractic Services & Sports Injury Rehab

Chiropractic services provided by Dr. Gerald Tole, Chiropractor can be an effective way to help with sport injury recovery and can be independent of or complementary to Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy and Psychological Services.

Dr. Tole specializes in treating musculoskeletal injuries and disorders, particularly those related to the spine, joints, and muscles. Non-invasive, drug-free techniques can help to restore proper function and alleviate pain and help with sport injury rehabilitation:

  1. Pain relief: Dr. Tole can use various techniques such as spinal adjustments, soft tissue mobilization, and therapeutic exercises to help reduce pain associated with sports injuries. By improving joint mobility and reducing inflammation, this type of sport injury care can help patients manage their pain without relying on medication.

  2. Faster healing: The techniques used by Dr. Tole in his Chiropractic methods can help speed up the healing process by improving blood flow to the injured area, which can bring in nutrients and oxygen that are necessary for tissue repair. By reducing inflammation, chiropractic care can also help to minimize scar tissue formation, which can impede healing.

  3. Improved range of motion: Sports injuries can often result in decreased range of motion in the affected area but by assessing and administering specific chiropractic methods Dr. Tole can help his clients restore proper joint mobility.

Massage Therapy & Sports Injury Rehab

Massage therapy can be a beneficial tool in the recovery process after a sports injury. Some of the ways massage therapy can help can include:

  1. Reducing pain and inflammation: Massage therapy can help reduce pain and inflammation in injured muscles and soft tissues. The pressure applied during a massage can increase blood flow and help release endorphins, which are natural painkillers.

  2. Improving range of motion: Sports injuries can often lead to a decrease in range of motion due to muscle tightness or spasms. Massage therapy can help loosen tight muscles and increase flexibility, allowing for greater range of motion.

  3. Speeding up healing: Massage therapy can increase circulation and promote the flow of nutrients to injured tissues, which can help speed up the healing process.

  4. Breaking up scar tissue: Injuries can cause scar tissue to form, which can restrict movement and cause pain. Massage therapy can help break up scar tissue and prevent it from causing further problems.

  5. Reducing stress and anxiety: Dealing with a sports injury can be stressful and anxiety-inducing. Massage therapy can help reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and releasing tension.

It is important to note that massage therapy should not be used as the sole form of treatment for a sports injury. It should be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as physical therapy, chiropractic care, psychological services and rest, to achieve optimal results. Additionally, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new treatment regimen.

Psychological Services & Sports Injury Rehab

Sports injuries can have a significant impact on an individual's physical and emotional well-being, and recovery can be a long and challenging process. While physical rehabilitation is essential in the healing process, psychological services can also play a crucial role in helping individuals recover from sports injuries.

Dr. Sarah Chaulk, Clinical Psychologist provides psychological assessment and therapy services and can assist in sports injury recovery in a number of ways including:

  1. Coping with Emotional Stress: An injury can lead to various emotions such as sadness, anxiety, frustration, and anger. Dr. Chaulk can help patients understand and cope with these emotions by providing emotional support and teaching coping strategies to manage them.

  2. Positive Mindset: Sports injuries can affect an individual's self-esteem and confidence and Dr. Chaulk can work with clients to develop a positive mindset and improve their self-confidence, which can ultimately help them to heal faster.

  3. Stress Management: Recovering from an injury can be stressful on the body and mind. Using various techniques Dr. Chaulk can teach stress management techniques to help individuals manage their stress levels and reduce the risk of re-injury.

  4. Motivation and Goal Setting: Dr. Chaulk also uses specialized goal setting techniques to help clients set realistic goals to stay motivated and positive during the recovery journey.

  5. Return to Sport: Returning to sport after an injury can be a daunting task. Dr. Chaulk will work with clients, where appropriate, to develop a plan to return to sport safely and with confidence.

 Creating Health has developed a team approach to their client’s wellness and when it comes to injury prevention and rehabilitation one or all of their specialities may come into play. Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Massage and Psychological therapies can help individuals physically prevent sports injury and/or deal with sports injury should it occur.